Exodus: Coastal Virginia
december 2021
Our project blog gives you a chance to hear about our process directly from the people who are in the room! Kayce White is an activist and organizer in Norfolk who joined us for a Public Salon at the Virginia Arts Festival in December 2021. She originally shared this post on her instagram and expanded it for us to be able to share as part of our blog series! Read more from Kayce below and follow her online at @one_woman_accelerator.
I felt elated after recently attending a fantastic devised theater event with The InHEIRitance Project, a group of visiting artists learning about the culture of our Seven Cities. They’ll turn their findings into a play based on the story of Exodus, which will tackle stormy local issues and look at the beauty (and dissonance) of how our histories interweave. These artists are doing the incredibly hard work of building trust and identity in communities that are struggling to find their place. They do that by building an inviting space and creatively drawing out the honest viewpoints of citizens. The vehicle of performance is used to guide the conversations onto unique paths to reveal new or underlying truths.
The beauty of the salons and the finished product is that all of it ultimately contributes to the kind of creative placemaking that can transform a city in need of unity and direction. That’s because art can do something nothing else can: dip into people’s deeper wells of reasoning and emotion to help the mind and heart find clarity. Citizens walk away from events hosted by The InHEIRitance Project with a more empowered understanding of their community and a deeper feeling of love and ownership for it. Every town in America could find a bit of healing from going on a journey like this together!