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MARCH 2020

The In[HEIR]itance Project facilitated an Artist Salon in partnership with New City Players, a local theater company in Ft Lauderdale, as research for the first installment of our national Water Saga. Read below for thoughts from some of the artists who participated!

Not only did the first artists session on Monday night energize me as an artist, practicing devising techniques I love which I haven’t been able to exercise since grad school. It also explored the vitally important conversation of Florida’s relationship with water in an inclusive, thought-provoking and soul feeding kind of way. The evening started with a land acknowledgement and progressed to making space for lived experience and acknowledgment of where our knowledge runs out.

If any of that sounds like the kind of theatre room you wish to be in as an artist and a citizen of society then keep an eye out for the next event in February. On this occasion, I didn’t know about the event until late but next time I promise to invite more people!

by Meredith Bartmon, Dramaturg

(L-R) Local actress, Courtney Poston, on a Palm Beach Duck Boat tour with IP artists, Chantal Pavageaux, Luis Ordaz, and Jon Adam Ross

Monday night’s Water Saga artist salon was a success! It was a great night of stimulating conversation about South Florida, and its both life-giving and life-taking relationship with water. In many cultures’ Creation stories, water is seen to have “unlimited potential”. We tend to see “potential” as something positive, but it can also have the potential for destruction. Follow The In[HEIR]itance Project to see how this discussion, and many more to come, will come together to create a devised theatre piece in April. Want to be a part of the conversation next time?? They are coming back to Florida in three weeks to host another salon in Palm Beach County. Stay tuned for more details!

by Courtney Poston, Actress

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